Malaysia News
  • [23/Mar/2017]
    Iskandar Malaysia attracts RM32.15 billion in investments for 2016
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  • [22/Mar/2017]
    More than 30,000 applications from foreign nationals for MM2H approved - Nazri
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Iconic Living Team
Iconic Living Team Always Here To Support You!

Michael Cheam
Managing Director
Wechat: mi2399928

LayIm Teoh
Investment Consultant
Mobile: +6 019 7288 688
Wechat: 1939305706

Company License 

MM2H Certification By 
Ministry of Tourism 2014

Taxation in Malaysia

Taxation in Malaysia

Income of any person including a company, accruing in or derived from Malaysia or received in Malaysia from outside Malaysia is subject to income tax. However, income received in Malaysia by any person other than a resident company carrying on business of banking, insurance or sea or air transport for a year of assessment derived from sources outside Malaysia is exempted from tax.

To modernise and streamline the tax administration system, the self-assessment system was implemented for companies, sole proprietor, partnerships, cooperatives and salaried groups and the assessment of income tax is based on a current year basis.

Company Tax
Resident and non-resident companies 25%
Resident companies with paid-up capital of RM2.5 million (US$781,250) and less at the beginning of the basis period for a year of assessment
* on the first RM500,000 (US$156,250) chargeable income 20%
* on subsequent chargeable income
Personal Income Tax
Personal Income Tax
Resident individuals with chargeable income of RM16,667 (US$5,208) and above per annum (after deduction of personal reliefs) 1% - 26%
Non-resident individuals (not entitled to any personal reliefs) 26%