Malaysia News
  • [23/Mar/2017]
    Iskandar Malaysia attracts RM32.15 billion in investments for 2016
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  • [22/Mar/2017]
    More than 30,000 applications from foreign nationals for MM2H approved - Nazri
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Iconic Living Team
Iconic Living Team Always Here To Support You!

Michael Cheam
Managing Director
Wechat: mi2399928

LayIm Teoh
Investment Consultant
Mobile: +6 019 7288 688
Wechat: 1939305706

Company License 

MM2H Certification By 
Ministry of Tourism 2014

Property Purchase Condition

Malaysia Property Purchase for foreigner

Any foreigner may purchase any number of residential and commercial property in Malaysia, subject to the minimum price established for foreigners by the different states. They start from RM 500,000 per unit for most states, effective 1st March 2014. Land is a state matter and it is important to check state lays before making any commitment, as the minimum purchase price is not standardized between states. Participants are advised to buy homes which are already issued with certificate of fitness. However, if purchase is from developers, to ensure that it is a reputable company. 

Please find the list of Minimum Price for property purchase (as at 22nd Sept. 2014)