Malaysia News
- [23/Mar/2017]
Iskandar Malaysia attracts RM32.15 billion in investments for 2016
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More than 30,000 applications from foreign nationals for MM2H approved - Nazri
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Iconic Living Team
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LayIm Teoh
Investment Consultant
Mobile: +6 019 7288 688
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MM2H Certification By
Ministry of Tourism 2014
Background of MM2H
Successful MM2H applicants will be granted an initial 10-year social visit pass with multiple entry visa (which allows for renewal over an unlimited stay duration, approval of which is subjected to non-violation of certain terms and Malaysian laws). Malaysia My Second Home programme is opened to all nationalities and citizens regardless of faith or ethnicity. It has to date, attracted over 24,000 families from more than 40 different countries worldwide. Truly, what makes Malaysia My Second Home special and a foremost option among foreigners are the host of benefits that they get to enjoy upon their stay, like nowhere else in the world.